"and We have
created you in pairs"


26+ Never
New Muslims Profiles
31 Years :: New Muslims :: United Kingdom
A Sunni revert who is always trying to develop further so a brother who has the similar mindset...
38 Years :: New Muslims :: Yemen
I am a committed Muslim and willing to help people and I believe that the most important thing in...
Single 26+ Profiles
38 Years :: Single 26+ :: Pakistan
An understanding woman with strong family values, wouldn't compromise on infidelity, polygamy,...
30 Years :: Single 26+ :: Netherlands
Islam plays a central role in my life and I work daily to strengthen my bond with Allah SWT and...
32 Years :: Single 26+ :: India
Bismillah! Assalamulaykum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu. The description is quite long as I...
40 Years :: Single 26+ :: Australia
I am a practicing Muslim and have been searching for reverts as I am not keen on culture adaptation...
37 Years :: Single 26+ :: Pakistan
I am practicing muslim (sunni) and applies knowledge of deen to my extent (Alhamdulillah). I am...
40 Years :: Single 26+ :: Nigeria
Bismillah..Assalam alaikum. Being Muslim is a blessing. Having learnt that one of the best ways to...
41 Years :: Single 26+ :: United Arab Emirates
I am a jovial and happy person Alhamdulillah.I offer my salah five times a day and do all the...
30 Years :: Single 26+ :: Pakistan
Assalam o alaikum wrwb! Well, i guess by reading my profile you would get an idea. I think i am...
40 Years :: Single 26+ :: United Kingdom
I believe the most important thing in life is to worship AllahSWT before our time is up. Try to do...


26+ Never
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by Tooba_Rizwan
Asslamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Place Allah between you and your spouse in marriage Place Allah between you and your ex spouse in...
by Deema
by Tooba_Rizwan
by Tooba_Rizwan
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QnA Corner
Q: After delivery of a child, women are exempted from praying for 40 days, how true is that? Also, does one have to make up for...
Q: An unmarried girl wants to marry her colleague as both of them work together and know each other well. The issue is, the guardians of...
Q: What should a fasting person do if someone starts a fight/quarrel with him?
Q: After my marriage, I went to my in-laws, I was unaware of the domestic affairs due to which our in-laws and I had many fights,...
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Social Blogs
"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" is a very popular poem by William Ross Wallace, now widely used as an idiom that means women have great power and influence over the development of children. The proverb screams about the importance of a mother in a child’s life. Maternal milk, in the initial days...
Mybetterhalf tips for Choosing and settling with a single parent Why marrying a single parent can be good for your future and present Consider this: If your prospective daughter in law is a single Muslim parent, would you put a condition to separate her from her child? Or Let her come too? One of the most highlighted...
Aisha , Anas bin Malik and Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with them all)- these three companions of the Prophet (pbuh) were in their early teens when they started learning Religion from him. Before the three completed their teens, they were the finest scholars of Fiqh and narrated the most number of Hadith from the...